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Felice №4 2014
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Модели выпуска отражают основные тенденции в вязании и новинки пряжи. На страницах журнала вы найдете интересные варианты для работы, отдыха и праздничных мероприятий. В дополнение к моделям - изысканные аксессуары.
Lets Knit Series № 80423 2014
Lets Knit Series № 80423 2014
Lets Knit Series - журнал по вязанию из Японии. В каждом выпуске журнала предложены великолепные, современные проекты для вязания крючком. В этом выпуске: разнообразные жилеты и безрукавки; элегантные жакеты; оригинальные пуловеры; шапочки, ажурный шарф и воротничок. В журнале четкие,подробные схемы и фото моделей одежды и аксессуаров.
Susanna рукоделие №5 2014
Susanna рукоделие №5 2014
Журнал, хорошо известный любителям рукоделия. Раз в два месяца читательницы могут насладиться не только узорами, предлагаемыми в журнале, но и необычайно привлекательным дизайном самого журнала, который призван будить творческую мысль и доставлять эстетическое удовольствие.
Laura Moda de Punto Especial №16 2014
Laura Moda de Punto Especial №16 2014
Журнал по вязанию спицами и крючком. В номере 34 проекта вязаной женской одежды и аксессуаров для весенне-летнего сезона от Lang Yarns. Красивые современные модели трикотажа, представленные в данном выпуске журнала, придутся по вкусу многим рукодельницам.
Вязание ваше хобби Спецвыпуск EXTRA №4 2014
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Вязание — ваше хобби» — журнал по вязанию. В номере: Вязание крючком на любой вкус, 20 идей для капризных ножек, Мастер-класс: вяжем тапочки спицами и пришиваем подошву, Сделано для дома! И многое другое. Модели вязаной одежды для любой погоды; Инструкции по вязанию этих моделей.
Вязаный креатив №8 2014
Вязаный креатив №8 2014
"Вязаный креатив" - ежемесячный журнал по вязанию на спицах и крючком. В каждом выпуске журнала вас ждут современные, креативные, трикотажные модели для взрослых и детей. В этом выпуске представлена летняя коллекция модной одежды для женщин: разнообразные, яркие топы и майки; элегантные пуловеры; длинные и кроткие ажурные юбки; сарафаны для жарких дней; бикини.
North. Kim Hargreaves Autumn/Winter 2014.
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- Sonya
| - Раздел: Игрушки » Иностранные описания
| - Опубликовано: 8 декабря, 05:44
Милая, забавная.
Ее зовут Аташи. Она из аниме, Chobits.
Описание на английском.
Her name is Atashi. She's from the anime, Chobits. Isn't she sweet? She's the perfect size for my Tokidoki bag. I'm keeping this one for myself.
Here's the pattern for you!
Tan or white and pink crochet thread and a number 7 steel hook.
It can also be made with worsted weight yarn and a G hook for a bigger doll.
2 black 8mm safety eyes
Small ponytail holder, about 1” across
Star directions not included in this pattern. It is from a Klutz mini book called, Wishing Stars. You can also use a star shaped bead.
1.With tan, ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook. (this will the front of the face)
2.(2 sc in each sc) around (12 sc)
3.(sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) around (18 sc)
4.(sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc) around (24 sc)
5-9. (sc in each sc) around (24 sc)
10. (sc in next 2 sc, dec over 2 sc) around. (18 sc) Add safety eyes now.
11. (sc in next sc, dec over 2 sc) around. (12 sc) Stuff head now.
12. (dec over 2 sc) around (6 sc)
13. Sl st in next st, finish off, leaving a long tail for sewing.
Whipstitch the opening closed. This will be hidden by the hood, so it doesn’t have to look perfect.
1.With tan, ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook.
2.(2 sc in each sc) around (12 sc)
3.(sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) around (18 sc)
4-7. (sc in each sc) around (18 sc)
8. (sc in next sc, dec over 2 sc) around (12 sc)
9-10. (sc in each sc) around (12 sc)
11. Sl st in next st, finish off, leaving a long tail for sewing. Stuff.
Arms/Legs (make 4)
1.With tan, ch 2, 5 sc in 2nd ch from hook
2-4. (sc in each sc) around (5 sc)
5. Sl st in next st, finish off, leaving a tail for sewing. Stuff with yarn scraps of same color.
1-4.With pink, follow steps 1-4 of head.
5. (sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc) around (30 sc)
6-8. (sc in each sc) around (30 sc)
9. (sc in next 3 sc, dec over 2 sc) around (24 sc)
10. Sl st in next st, finish off, leaving a tail for sewing hood to dress later.
Ears (make 2)
1.Ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook
2.(2 sc in each sc) around (12 sc)
3.(sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) around (18 sc)
4-6. (sc in each sc) around (18 sc)
7. (sc in next sc, dec over 2 sc) around (12 sc)
8-12. (sc in each sc) around (12 sc)
13. (sc in next sc, dec over 2 sc) around (9 sc)
14-17. (sc in each sc) around (9 sc)
18. Sl st in next st, finish off, leaving a long tail for sewing.
1.Using pink, put hook into center of ponytail holder and pull up a loop. Ch 1, sc 24 around ponytail holder. Mark last st.
2-5. (sc in each sc) around (24 sc)
6. (sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) around (30 sc)
7-9. (sc in each sc) around (30 sc)
10. (sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc) around (36 sc)
11-12. (sc in each sc) around (36 sc)
13. Sl st in next st, finish off, weave in ends.
1.Sew body to head, using picture as a reference. Sew legs to body.
2.Slip dress over body. Arms are sewn to front of dress.
3.Place hood on head. Using tail on hood, sew a few stitches to connect hood to back of dress. Sew around bottom edge of hood, catching yarn from head to keep hood in place, if desired.
4.Press ears flat and sew to hood, using picture for reference.
5.Use puffy paint for a small nose, or embroider it if desired, or leave as is.
Ее зовут Аташи. Она из аниме, Chobits.
Описание на английском.
Her name is Atashi. She's from the anime, Chobits. Isn't she sweet? She's the perfect size for my Tokidoki bag. I'm keeping this one for myself.
Here's the pattern for you!
Tan or white and pink crochet thread and a number 7 steel hook.
It can also be made with worsted weight yarn and a G hook for a bigger doll.
2 black 8mm safety eyes
Small ponytail holder, about 1” across
Star directions not included in this pattern. It is from a Klutz mini book called, Wishing Stars. You can also use a star shaped bead.
1.With tan, ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook. (this will the front of the face)
2.(2 sc in each sc) around (12 sc)
3.(sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) around (18 sc)
4.(sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc) around (24 sc)
5-9. (sc in each sc) around (24 sc)
10. (sc in next 2 sc, dec over 2 sc) around. (18 sc) Add safety eyes now.
11. (sc in next sc, dec over 2 sc) around. (12 sc) Stuff head now.
12. (dec over 2 sc) around (6 sc)
13. Sl st in next st, finish off, leaving a long tail for sewing.
Whipstitch the opening closed. This will be hidden by the hood, so it doesn’t have to look perfect.
1.With tan, ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook.
2.(2 sc in each sc) around (12 sc)
3.(sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) around (18 sc)
4-7. (sc in each sc) around (18 sc)
8. (sc in next sc, dec over 2 sc) around (12 sc)
9-10. (sc in each sc) around (12 sc)
11. Sl st in next st, finish off, leaving a long tail for sewing. Stuff.
Arms/Legs (make 4)
1.With tan, ch 2, 5 sc in 2nd ch from hook
2-4. (sc in each sc) around (5 sc)
5. Sl st in next st, finish off, leaving a tail for sewing. Stuff with yarn scraps of same color.
1-4.With pink, follow steps 1-4 of head.
5. (sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc) around (30 sc)
6-8. (sc in each sc) around (30 sc)
9. (sc in next 3 sc, dec over 2 sc) around (24 sc)
10. Sl st in next st, finish off, leaving a tail for sewing hood to dress later.
Ears (make 2)
1.Ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook
2.(2 sc in each sc) around (12 sc)
3.(sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) around (18 sc)
4-6. (sc in each sc) around (18 sc)
7. (sc in next sc, dec over 2 sc) around (12 sc)
8-12. (sc in each sc) around (12 sc)
13. (sc in next sc, dec over 2 sc) around (9 sc)
14-17. (sc in each sc) around (9 sc)
18. Sl st in next st, finish off, leaving a long tail for sewing.
1.Using pink, put hook into center of ponytail holder and pull up a loop. Ch 1, sc 24 around ponytail holder. Mark last st.
2-5. (sc in each sc) around (24 sc)
6. (sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) around (30 sc)
7-9. (sc in each sc) around (30 sc)
10. (sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc) around (36 sc)
11-12. (sc in each sc) around (36 sc)
13. Sl st in next st, finish off, weave in ends.
1.Sew body to head, using picture as a reference. Sew legs to body.
2.Slip dress over body. Arms are sewn to front of dress.
3.Place hood on head. Using tail on hood, sew a few stitches to connect hood to back of dress. Sew around bottom edge of hood, catching yarn from head to keep hood in place, if desired.
4.Press ears flat and sew to hood, using picture for reference.
5.Use puffy paint for a small nose, or embroider it if desired, or leave as is.
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