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Laura Moda de Punto Especial №16 2014

Laura Moda de Punto Especial №16 2014

Laura Moda de Punto Especial №16 2014
Журнал по вязанию спицами и крючком. В номере 34 проекта вязаной женской одежды и аксессуаров для весенне-летнего сезона от Lang Yarns. Красивые современные модели трикотажа, представленные в данном выпуске журнала, придутся по вкусу многим рукодельницам.

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jpg :: стр.132 :: 69 MB
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Вязаный креатив №8 2014

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"Вязаный креатив" - ежемесячный журнал по вязанию на спицах и крючком. В каждом выпуске журнала вас ждут современные, креативные, трикотажные модели для взрослых и детей. В этом выпуске представлена летняя коллекция модной одежды для женщин: разнообразные, яркие топы и майки; элегантные пуловеры; длинные и кроткие ажурные юбки; сарафаны для жарких дней; бикини.

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Персонаж из м/ф "Гадкий Я"

Персонаж из м/ф "Гадкий Я"
Буквально не давно посмотрели этот мультфильм. Очень понравились веселые желтые человечки. Они такие забавные. А сегодня наткнулась на описание этого чуда. Правда описание на английском, но ничего. Обязательно свяжу!
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WW yarn in yellow, blue and small amounts of black, white and gray
G Hook
Small amounts of felt in black and medium/light blue
Yarn Needle
Sewing needle and matching sewing threads


Gauge isn't terribly important to this project as long as your hook, yarn and individual tension result in a stitch that's tight enough that the stuffing won't come through.
Персонаж из м/ф "Гадкий Я"

Numbers in ( ) at the end of each round or row indicate the total number of stitches in that round or row.

Read the 'Fun Stuff' at the end of the pattern for suggestions on making many minions of different shapes and personalities.


Rnd 1: 7 sc in magic ring (7)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around (14)
Rnd 3: sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc around (21)
Rnd 4: sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc around (28)
Rnd 5: sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc around (35)
Rnd 6-31: sc in each sc around (35)
Begin stuffing at this point. Stuff moderately firmly while shaping. Continue to stuff as you progress.
Rnd 32: sc in next 3 sc, dec over next 2 sc around (28)
Rnd 33: sc in next 2 sc, dec over next 2 sc around (21)
Rnd 34: sc in next sc, dec over next 2 sc around (14)
Rnd 35: dec over next 2 sc around (7)
F/O. Add any stuffing needed to finish out the shaping. Weave tail through final round and tug gently to close up. Secure ends, weave in.

Using blue

Rnd 1-5: same as for the Head/Body
Rnd 6-10: sc in each sc around (35)
Do not fasten off at end of round 10.

(now working in rows)

Row 1: Sc next 10 sc, ch 1 and turn (10)
Row 2-6: sc in each sc across, ch 1 and turn (10)
F/O. Weave in ends.

With the newly made panel facing you, from the left side of this panel, count 7 sc around (on row 10 of base of overalls) and attach yarn to the next sc.
Row 1: Sc in same sc as joining. Sc in next 10 sc, ch 1 and turn (11)
Row 2-6: sc in each sc across, ch1 and turn (11)
F/O. Weave in ends.

For the straps of the overalls, Ch 9, sc in second chain from hook and each remaining ch across, (8)
F/O. Weave in ends.

Fit the overalls over the bottom of the body section. Attach straps to the upper corners of each of the panels as shown. (Don't sew the overalls to the body just yet)
Персонаж из м/ф "Гадкий Я"


Beginning at the hand using black yarn:

Rnd 1: 4 sc in magic ring (4)
Rnd 2: sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc (6)
Rnd 3: sc in each of next 3 sc, ch 3, sc in 2nd ch from hook and next ch, sc in each of remaining 3 sc of round (6 sc and 1 'thumb')
Rnd 4: sc in each sc around (hold thumb down to to the front as you sc behind it) (6)
Rnd 5: working in front loops only, 2 sc in each sc around (12)
F/O and weave in ends.

Attach yellow to any free loop from round 5.

Rnd 1: sc in same free loop as joining. Sc in each of next 5 free loops around (6)
Rnd 2-12: sc in each sc around (6)

As you work, stuff the arm lightly to shape but don't overstuff. Continue to stuff as you progress. It's much easier to do this as you go than to try to stuff it after it's done, since the arms are so thin.

Flatten the last row of the arm so that the thumb of the hand will be facing towards the body and pin to body as shown.

FEET (make 2):
(using black)

Rnd 1: 6 sc in magic ring (6)
Rnd 2: sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc around (9)
Rnd 3-5: sc in each sc around (9)
Rnd 6: sc in next sc, dec over next 2 sc around (6)
F/O. Stuff foot lightly. You just want to give the some some substance and shape, without overstuffing, as you'll want to very slightly flatten the foot to more resemble shoes.

PANT LEGS (make 2):
(using blue)

Chain 11, join to form a ring.
Rnd 1-3: sc in each sc around (11)
F/O. Sew the bottom of the pant leg to the top of the foot/shoe as shown. Stuff the 'leg' moderately firm while shaping. Pin the upper portion of the leg to the bottom of the overalls as shown.


Eye ball (make 2):
Using white:

Rnd 1: 15 sc in magic ring, pull your 'draw string' very tightly to close up the ring (15)
Rnd 2: sc in next sc, dec over next 2 sc around (10)
F/O. Tuck the loose yarn ends into the dome of the eyeball (add a tiny bit of stuffing if you want)

Goggle Rims (make 2):
Using gray:

Rnd 1: 8 sc in magic ring (8)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around (16)
Rnd 3: working in back loops only, sc in each sc around (16)
Rnd 4: sc in each sc around (16)
F/O. Tuck the eyeball into the 'goggle' as shown. Once you're happy with the look, secure the eyball inside the goggle (I used a sewing needle and some gray sewing thread to do this, so as not to add any bulk to the outside of the goggle rims). Sew the two 'eyes' to each other in a figure 8 shape as shown (a few stitches with that gray sewing thread is good for that as well, as it won't add any unwanted bulk to the goggles)

Using black:

Row 1: chain 28 (check this to make sure it's the right length to go around the head and attach to each
side of the 'goggles', add or remove chains as needed).
DC in each chain across (again, check this for size before F/O, and adjust as needed)
F/O and weave in ends. Sew the strap to either side of the goggle rims as shown.


Fit the overalls over the body as shown and pin in place. Pin arms as shown (this minion's arms reach about to the bottoms of the feet). Once you're pleased with the positioning of the arms (thumbs to inside of each hand), sew in place. Sew overalls in place.

Attach legs to bottom of overalls, sew securely in place.

Place goggles over the top of the head and position as desired, once you're happy with the placement of the goggles/eyes, sew securely in place.

Cut two small circles of black felt and either sew or glue in place on the eyeballs.

For mouth: On this minion, I just used some of the yellow yarn, and whipstitched around one row of sc for a few scs to create the 'pouty' lower lip and then took a large stitch across the top and slightly below the 'lip' to create the shape. Tug very gently on this large stitch to create the look of the mouth.

Hair: I cut several strands of black, and tied in the middle with another strand. I folded the 'bundle' in half to create the 'shock' of hair and sewed this in place to the middle of the top of the head.

The insignia on the overalls is made by cutting a circle of black, and a square of the blue … the blue square is placed in the center of the black circle and glued in place then a smaller circle is glued to the center of the blue square and placed on the overalls in the center front as shown.


This is just a base design for one minion. By removing rows of the body section (between rnd 6-31) you can create a shorter body.

Create different hair designs, make the eyes/goggles a little bigger, or just one very large eye/goggle.

Create different mouth shapes with felt.

Make many minions of different sizes, looks, and hair styles, you can have your own minion army! Make them so that no two are alike, or make them all the same... it's your army! :D
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